Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dance, dance

Ahh... So, it's finally over. That whole episode of thinking of you. Or wallowing in the memory of you. Either one. Haha. Anyway. It comes once in a while, no matter how un-screwed up and happy I am at that particular moment. It just does. Unbidden. And then, unwilling to leave. Try as I might, the tears flow uninvited. In those few moments, or days, I should say, everything of my perfectly re-structured life is turned topsy-turvy again. I hate it when that happens. Truly. It just shows that I'm a weak little creature, not even able to control her own emotions, let alone her over-active imagination.
During those bleak days, I think about many things; mainly you. How we used to be, as unhappy as we were and as miserable as you made me. How I tried and tried, in vain, to make things right again. How getting a simple text from you, asking what I'm up to, could lend me a smile that would last the entire day and put my head in the clouds. How things fell apart; rudely, abruptly. How you moved on.

You moved on.

That is when the actual reality sinks in. Like a bucket of cold water being dumped over your head while you're sleeping, faraway dreaming. A good dream, to top it. But anyway, the truth hurts. It always has. I knew this would happen. It was inevitable. Everyone has needs, but only ever-so-few set out to fulfill it. But you did. And I have no right nor am I in any position to hold it against you.
It's not like you're the only thing I ever think about. At one point in my life, I was guilty of it. That is the truth. I thought of you as I woke up, as I was going about my daily business, as I was eating, bathing, shopping, reading, brushing my teeth, lacing my sneakers, as I was going to sleep. You were always in my dreams. Always.
 But now, you're just a distant memory. Vague. Just another item in my vast catalogue. All those feelings that were so raw and naked are just now fantasms that I sometimes think that I made up. Laughable now, a year ago I would have burnt myself at the stake for a blasphemy charge.
I don't love you anymore. Or at least I think I don't. But I do. I think. I don't know what I think anymore or what I should be thinking.
Whose keeping track, anyway?
If you ever stumbled across this, you'd probably be thinking of what a loser I am, to be still harping about you almost a year on. Well, I am. Didn't you always think of me in that light?
Right now, in this particular moment, it's starting again. My chest is tightening and I'm fighting back the non-existent tears that's welling up in my eyes. Pathetic, I know. But then again, I am. It will never change. Funny how she said that she looks up to me. I'm actually a role model to her. Can you imagine that? How can she idolize someone who is a total wreck? Maybe I'm just a damn good actress. I wouldn't know. Being poker-faced IS one of my best traits.
I was able to bury the memory of you deep beneath the multiple layers of my slowly-healing heart, sweep it under the consciousness of my mind and pushed it into the far reaches of my awareness, ignoring it. It lay dormant for these past few months, I was pretty sure I was over you. That I AM over you. But that phone call brutally thrust the ugly truth in my face : IT WAS A LIE.
The sound of your voice was like a hot knife through the flesh. I missed you so much. Acknowledging it is one thing, admitting it is another. I cried my eyes out as soon as I hung up.
Now, I'm at a divergence in a path. One says that I'm missing you; another mocking me, viciously whispering in my ears that I'm fine and perfectly in control. Decisions, decisions. I could choose one and tell everybody else a conveniently different story. 
If only they all knew how misery loved me.

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