Saturday, May 11, 2013


Do you ever get that feeling? The feeling of total desperation that all you experience is numbness? The feeling of grasping at straws, but the straws are somehow gravity-defiant and they just float beyond your fingers, out of reach. The feeling of helplessness, of sudden depression, of self-pity, of doubt. 
The law of attraction states that you are what you think. Meaning, whatever you imagine will eventually become your reality. Truth is, I am too terrified to even think in terms of happiness. My thoughts wander and happy thoughts seem unfathomable sometimes. Deep down, I know that if I tried hard enough, if I wasn't so scared, I would probably win the war. But what are the odds? I don't know what's happening behind my back. I only have two eyes and there is only so much that I can do, only so much that I can handle.
I almost gave up on you, that's the truth. But in my moment of desperation, I asked for a sign. And I got one, as I always do. I hope that I don't read them wrongly in my eagerness to justify my wanting of you. How does does one know if something is considered a sign anyway? But then again, everything in life is an omen. What happens when one day I ask and the signs stop showing? What will I do then? I hope all these little indications are a precursor to better things, a happy ending, and not just some twisted divine joke. 
I need help, a miracle even. Help me, help me, help me. I'm dying to know how this story ends, but the naked truth is, I'm terrified.

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