Every child is born with a pair of wings; wings that enable them to fly and ride on the currents of life. With those wings, a child is able to do anything and he believes so too, with solid, undivided conviction that no dream is unreachable, no obstacle too big, no task impossible. Belief is the key. So pure, young and innocent, a child is not yet tainted with the worries of the world.
Unfortunately, the path to adulthood is full of thorns and brambles. Before you know it, the child is fed with copious amounts of poison that would influence his thinking and mentality. Slowly, little by little, the child starts believing these lies and begins to limit himself, killing the inborn magic that is inherent within his being. Gradually, the magic is covered, layer by layer, until the child does not feel it anymore. And as he grows older, he forgets altogether that he was once someone who believed in miracles and endless possibilities. This process is the clipping of a child's wings. Now where is the justice in that? To be taken for a fool and duped into believing that he is something he's not, unworthy, undeserving, impossible. Pure injustice. To the adults who take the upper hand and lie to these gullible souls, don't you feel ashamed of yourselves?
"You haven't lived until you've gone out into the real world, and the world is a big bad place..."
How can you bring yourselves to say that? Is your life that screwed up that everybody else should be doomed to the same fate? No. Our worlds are what we make of it. We decide to some extent what happens in out lives. We may not control every aspect, but in most things, our say matters.
Life is not a prison. Life is what you want it to be, what you make it to be, formed by your beliefs and thoughts, materialized through your will and actions. Nothing is impossible. Possible and impossible are mere concepts conceived by the human mind. And a pathetic notion at that. Never limit yourself. No matter how big and crazy and improbable a goal might be, never doubt. Believe. Believe. Believe. You see, because when there is hope, there is faith and when there is faith, miracles can occur.
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