Come on, now! Isn't that double standards? Put yourself in my shoes. If you wanted something so bad and suddenly it was taken away from you, wouldn't you stand up and put up a fight? Or would you just let it slip away from you and take it for granted that it was all for the best? How about seeing that unforeseen obstacle as a challenge and doing everything within your jusrisdiction to get it back?
They say that your fate is set in stone. It may very well be, but the catch is that no one knows what is already written down for us, what is in store, what the future holds. This is where destiny plays its role. This is where we take over.
Who are they to tell you that something is not for you? Who are they to decree that you are not good enough for something? Who are they to sit there and judge you? Do they have power over your life, over what's happening? Do they truly have power to stop you from receiving what is rightfully yours? No. They may have a say by crushing your spirit and slowing you down in the process, but what is meant to be in your possession, cannot be withheld for long. Reality is, they are no better than us. When the time comes and they face the same struggles, trust me, they will be singing a different tune.
It doesn't matter, what they all have to say. You have showed me the way, and it is You who owns the heavens and the earth and everything in between. It is You whom I answer to and to You whom I ask from. You are All-Hearing, All-Knowing, All-Responding.
What Allah out of His Mercy does bestow on mankind there is none can withhold,
what He does withhold, none can grant, apart from Him:
and He is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.
The du'a is the most powerful weapon a Muslim can wield. And this is exactly how a believer takes charge of his destiny. In the light of that, he is supposed to choose what is good for him. In Arabic, the word 'good' is derived from the letters kha ya ra'. And these are the same letters that make up the word ikhtiar, or to choose. Through du'a, a Muslim has the power to change his destiny by asking for what he deems fit for himself and by putting faith in his Lord, believing that his prayers will be answered.
And I have chosen. I am a slave who believes in her Lord, in His Mercy and Bounty; who is assured that her prayers are not unheard. If it was truly meant to be, no matter how hard it rains on my parade, eventually the sun will reveal itself in due course. I truly believe that in the end, what was rightfully mine in the first place would conveniently find its way to land on my lap.
Verily, You are He that hears prayers!
I wish that people would get this stupid perception out of their heads: that if a thing is bad for you but you want it anyway, and if you prayed and asked for it so hard and finally it was given to you, something bad is in store for you.
What kind of bullshit is that? That is such a garbage ideology that anybody thinking about it should be arrested and charged with blasphemy. Seriously, people! You say you believe in God; that He is Loving, Merciful and Kind. But do you really believe? If He was all that, do you think He would actually give you something that was bad for you? Hell-to-the-NO! If something was bad for you, He would make a detour and replace it with something even better than your expectation, not be a psycho-freak and sabotage you! Heck, that's what humans do!
If you get the thing you want so badly after being riddled with obstacles and a whole load of blood, sweat and tears, then rest assured that it was always meant to be yours and that it was just a matter of time, plus a little effort and perseverance.
Beware the prayer of the oppressed!
Beware the prayer of the oppressed!
Beware the prayer of the oppressed!
Verily, it is He who answers the prayers of the oppressed.
Don't tell me you believe in God if you doubt His miracles. If He could change Moses' cane into a snake, part the sea so that the believers could escape the clutches of the Pharaoh and cut the moon in half for Prophet Muhammad; compared to that, how big is your wish? How small? How meager? How simple and insignificant? How attainable? Miracles happen everyday if only you opened your eyes, let your heart believe and be thankful.
Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?
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