Hi. It's me again. The one with the heart problems. Well, to be fair I'm not literally suffering from a cardiac disease or anything but, my heart causes emotional turmoil for me on a daily basis so yeah, I think that qualifies.
My stupid heart never fails to surprise me. Everyday a new twist in its very own demented saga. I thought I had it figured out; how I'd react to certain stimuli and etc. But turns out my heart has other ideas, as it always does. I suspect my heart schemes a lot during its free time. Without me knowing, I might add.
So. Umm... There's this guy. (There always is! WTF?!) Another one. A new one to ramble about. This is beyond me.
Suddenly I'm feeling tremendous amounts of happiness because of this particular person. Good news is, I'm not overthinking anymore. It's like I'm almost not scared that we won't work out, that I'm ready to face any possiblity that's going to come my way. I'm almost thinking that we might actually be something. Together. Maybe. I feel such a good vibe surrounding us. Perhaps I'm dreaming.
Hope is becoming increasingly abundant in my vocabulary and general daily activities again. An improvement by a mile. And even better news: you know I exist! You actually know that I am another living creature that happens to dwell on planet Earth just like yourself. Oh, the euphoria!
I might be high. My hormones are bonkers. Don't be too happy, my dear emotionally-challenged heart. We could be revisiting depression soon. I wouldn't get my hopes up too much, only to be let down yet again, if I were me. Hmmmph. Everyone leaves, what makes you think he would be an exception?
Sorry, still too hyper to be bogged down by negativity. It's the shoulders, I tell you! It's always the shoulders. What kind of sorcery is this?! I hope I see you again tomorrow so that I can steal illegal glances. You're surprisingly cooperative. Response is the key. It will either make or break something.
You should wear your checkered shirt everyday, all the goddamn time so that it accentuates your broad (to-die-for) shoulders and all your lumberjack glory which gets me excited for no apparent reason. COME AT ME, BRO!
I'll see you then.
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