Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Death Wish

What's the point, anyway? 
You're born, you get by, you die.
All your efforts go unappreciated one way or another.
Nobody's gonna remember you.

I wonder who would mourn me if I died.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


You talk to me with words and I look at you with feelings.

It's 3.42 a.m. I can't sleep. All I'm thinking about right now is picking up the phone and telling you how much I miss you.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hold me.

It's like the relentlessness of raindrops hitting the window pane. It's like the slow emergence of the sun after a drizzle. It's like having a scoop of ice cream and pancakes with whipped cream and maple syrup at the same time. It's like that line in a song. It's like curling up under a freshly washed blanket. It's like driving on a familiar road with the windows down and one hand on the steering wheel. It's like reaching the end of a good book. It's like waiting for a lover to complete the story. It's like travelling to a precious small town and discovering new things and feeling alive. 

It's nostalgia.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I love you.

She was in love with a boy.

He made her world go round. 
He put the stars in the sky. 
He felt exactly like home.

He made her breath catch, 
her stomach to turn. 
He made her cry at night. 
He made her feel alone.

He put a smile on her face. 
He made her hope with zeal. 
Sometimes she wondered
if he knew how he made her feel. 

Some days are hard,
others filled with flair.
She would give anything
just to make him real.

The pain she feels inside,
the fears she harbors, 
she prays they never come true. 

She knows he is her other half
and is sure he feels it too
but why were things so complicated 
if that were to be true?

She was in love with a boy.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Can't say I was never wrong, but some blame rests on you.

In five days I will be sitting for my final paper of the semester before a three-week long holiday. Introduction to Psychology. When I registered for the course at the end of last semester I thought to myself, God, this is going to be a pain in the ass. But turns out it wasn't after all. I've quite enjoyed my classes and my carry marks aren't too bad either. And since now I have a five-day gap, I intend to put in my all and ace this bitch. 
One day left to spend for the semester. 
I want to see you. I want to see you really badly. I want to see your reaction; how your body tenses at the sight of me, how panic registers upon your face, how your eyes soften, how you become lost and self-conscious all at once, how you look eagerly at me and wish in a million ways that things were different between us. 
Is it my fault what happened? I needed to know and you misinterpreted my good intentions. Your overreaction was uncalled for. And now, we are stuck in the vast desert of nothingness.
We both harbor fears. Somebody has got to give. Or else we will both be spending our days wondering what if. 
Time is running out. June is a little too close for comfort.